Hey there, I’m Victor, 28 years old. Born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil. And I’m currently living in Sydney, Australia.
If you want to know a bit more about my career path, here it goes:
tldr; You can find me in any social media by @victorkurauchi.
Started as frontend-developer in 2012 playing around with HTML, CSS and JS for Wordpress themes. Eventually I started looking into more backend codebase because it was needed back in that time when trying to work with Wordpress. In 2014 I finally found myself being able to build systems end to end, becoming (what they say) a full-stack developer. I personally don’t like this term because it can be too broad even if you don’t have full domain over one or another, but that’s subject for another talk.
So for the past 8 years I’ve been working heavily with Javascript in the frontend and backend. Have played around with jQuery, Angular 1, VueJS, ReactJS, React Native, Redux, Vuex, Mobx and all kinds of frameworks. The more I learn frameworks, more I find myself interested in plain Javascript and functional programming. Because in the end of the day, that’s what you will need to get around the years.
Other than Javascript, I also work with PHP in a day-to-day basis, and find myself studying Rust and Clojure.
In September 2018 I moved overseas to work for a big retail company called THEICONIC here in Australia. In January 2021 I changed roles and joined Simply Wall St as a Senior Software Engineer.
Feel free to ping me if you want to have a chat or ask any questions.
So here’s the place where I should be sharing some thoughts about web stuff and life in general. Hopefully some articles here might be useful/helpful for some day at work or any moment in your life.